I.M.P. 4102

Henry Eccles (c. 1680 – c. 1740)



Dit is de beroemde Sonata van Henry Eccles (c. 1680 – c. 1740), nu bewerkt voor hobo op basis van de ‘Urtext'-editie. De oorspronkelijke bezetting was viool met basso continuo. Gedurende de 20 e eeuw werd dit stuk bekend in allerlei uitgaven waarin noten veranderd waren en een soms waarlijk concertante pianobegeleiding was toegevoegd. De solopartij werd omgewerkt voor, onder andere, altviool, cello, contrabas, fagot, hoorn etc. Slechts enkele noten moesten worden gewijzigd, in verband met de kleinere omvang van de hobo. NB Het tweede deel van deze sonate is niet van Eccles, maar door hem ‘geleend' van Bonporti.


This is the famous Sonata by Henry Eccles (c. 1680 – c. 1740), now arranged for oboe and based on the original score by Eccles. It was originally composed for violin with figured bass. During the 20 th century this piece was available in several editions in which notes had been altered and sometimes a truly, ‘romantic period' dramatic accompaniment had been added. The solo part was arranged for viola, violoncello, double bass, bassoon, French horn etc. In the present edition only a few notes had to be changed, due to the smaller compass of the oboe. NB The second movement of this sonata was not composed by Eccles, but ‘borrowed' from Bonporti.


Sonata in g minor, op. 1: 11